Getting Started - Free Bankruptcy Consultation @ Attorney Kevin Ahrenholz

Getting Started

Are you eligible for bankruptcy? Take our Bankruptcy Eligibility & Means Test Analysis to have an attorney review your situation.

Get Ready for Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

There is nothing you need to prepare for your free initial consultation.  Most of the topics we discuss are covered in the Bankruptcy Eligibility & Means Test Analysis (see link above), and that is a good place to start if you want to know what sort of questions you will be asked.  If you decide to hire our firm, we will request some information from you, much of which is contained in the following documents.  You do NOT need to prepare any of these documents before your free initial consultation, and you can simply wait for us to mail you these documents and inform you when to complete them.  They are posted here for your reference and convenience, but be advised that these documents change periodically, and the ones posted on this web site may not be identical to the ones we send you and now require to be completed.

You can obtain these documents from our office if you are unable to download and print them. Email Courtney at cpetersen@beecherlaw.com, or call us toll free at 1-877-888-1766, to request the documents be emailed, faxed, or mailed to you.

Getting Organized for Your Bankruptcy Filing

We strive to be a paperless office, so if you have everything saved in electronic format (i.e. .pdf), feel free to email your information to Courtney. Using electronic documents will save time and postage, reduce the risk of losing documents through the mail, and it will allow you to see an attorney more quickly.  There are several commercial locations where you can scan and email your documents to our office.

When sending your invoices and debt statements to me, it helps if your bills and invoices are pulled from their envelopes, promotional material discarded, and the statements neatly stacked and paper clipped together.  I will also need to know if these debts have been turned over to any collection agencies or attorneys so that we can accurately list them on your schedules.  If I do not have the billing statement, the debt will not be listed, unless you can provide me with all of the information I need about the creditor and the debt, such as name, address, account number and balance. Pulling your credit report from Equifax, or from all three credit reporting agencies, and providing us with a copy is also very helpful, but is not a substitute for sending your latest statements.  A free one can be pulled annually at www.annualcreditreport.com.

Additional Steps You Can Take to Prepare

(You do not need to send these to me now, and these are not necessary for the first free initial consultation meeting):

  1. Your most recent loan statements and /or payment books for all loans secured by real estate, automobiles, or other assets.  I will need to know the payoff of each loan, the approximate dates these loans were taken, and what the loan was for.
  2. The legal descriptions and locations of any real property owned (a copy of the legal description can be made from your deed or abstract or sometimes off your county assessor’s web site).
  3. Information (quarterly statement) about annuities; IRAs, ERISA, Keogh or other pension or profit sharing plans; stocks and bonds; alimony, maintenance, support and property settlements, and life insurance policies.

Fees are discussed in detail in our FAQ.  The first meeting is free of charge, and there is no obligation to file or to continue with my services.

©2010 - 2025 Iowa Bankruptcy Lawyer Kevin Ahrenholz