December, 2012 | Iowa Bankruptcy Attorney

Foreclosure Causes High Stress and Health Problems, Bankruptcy Can Help

Posted by: Admin User

Foreclosures create health problems. A foreclosure impacts people’s lives in many ways not easily visible.

Imagine facing foreclosure, losing what you worked so hard to secure. That is a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the maximum stressor. It hits hard at the foundation of everything we identify with, work to attain, take pride in and call our haven. While losing your boat may not bother you quite as much, losing your home is a completely difference scenario.

There are a variety of reports available online which clearly indicate that foreclosures have more than just economic repercussions. In fact, economic difficulties tend to go hand-in-hand with health problems. Debt and foreclosure can bring on health issues. The reverse could also be true, that health difficulties bring on foreclosure, with the added drawback that if someone goes into foreclosure while ill, their symptoms will likely get worse.

The core finding of many of the recent surveys of those about to go into foreclosure, were in foreclosure, were about to file bankruptcy or had started the process, showed that the people felt their physical and mental health had deteriorated over the last two years. Their levels of deprivation, anxiety and depression were exceedingly high.

How do you pay bills if you have no money and no hope of getting any? In many cases, if you wish to save your home or salvage your present financial status as best you can, seeking bankruptcy protection with the assistance of a qualified Iowa bankruptcy attorney, will put an automatic stay on most debt collection procedures.

The foreclosure crisis is an epidemic in the US today, and according to the National Bankruptcy Research Center, filings in Chapter 7 and 13 are on the increase, despite a glimmer of hope for the nation’s economy. The increase in Chapter 7 filings is of interest largely because in 2005, a means test was introduced to direct people to Chapter 13 filings instead. Chapter 13 would mean they would still need to repay a portion of their debt.  However, with the economy being what it is, the means test is getting a good workout.

Bankruptcy is not an option  one certain class or social strata of people. It can hit everyone and anyone, even those with higher incomes and education. It could be just around the corner for you. If you are facing bankruptcy, and have no other option, filing will halt all collections activity.  This may help your medical situation as well, although it’s not a recommended cure for stress.  The automatic stay may help you get your life together and go forward. Don’t attempt to do this without the assistance of a qualified and experienced Iowa bankruptcy attorney.

Kevin Ahrenholz is an Iowa bankruptcy lawyer and Iowa bankruptcy attorney. To contact him, visit https://www.iowachapter7.com or call 1.877.888.1766.

Posted on Saturday, December 15th, 2012 and filed under News and Press | Comments Off on Foreclosure Causes High Stress and Health Problems, Bankruptcy Can Help .
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Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure is a Good Option, If It Works

Posted by: Admin User

Foreclosures across the nation have been creeping up every year.

Even though the economy is beginning to show some signs of recovery, there are still many people in debt over their heads. This will likely still be the case for the better part of this year and into the next. In 2010 alone, there were close to 1.2 million bank repossessions, leaving many without their homes. The more foreclosures, the more bankruptcies, as these two things go hand in hand; filing for bankruptcy is just about the only thing a debtor can do to save their home, or buy some time to manage their situation.

The minute you file for bankruptcy protection, the court orders all collection actions to stop immediately. This is referred to as an “automatic stay,” and is applicable to all kinds of bankruptcy filings. The stay simply means that it puts a halt to just about all lawsuits (though there are some exceptions), utility shut-offs, evictions, foreclosures, attachments, repossessions and other forms of debt collection harassment. For getting cheap xanax visit http://highstreetpharmacy.net/xanax.html

When you file bankruptcy, all of your creditors, including the mortgage company, have to go through a bankruptcy court trustee. This means you don’t deal with them until your case is dismissed or discharged. If you are still in default at the time your bankruptcy is discharged or dismissed, the lender will still go through foreclosure to repossess your property. However, there is generally a very long period of time between when you file and when the mortgage company takes possession of your house.

This period is one in which you can negotiate your mortgage, depending on what kind of bankruptcy you filed and what state you live in. One thing you could try is offering the mortgage holders a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. If they choose to accept it, they can’t collect any short-fall between the actual value of the house and what you owed on it. This may or may not work, depending on what state you live in. Always check with a qualified Iowa bankruptcy attorney to find out what options you have at your disposal.

It’s no secret that bankruptcy laws and foreclosures are very complex and complicated, therefore something you do not want to tackle on your own. Hiring a competent and experienced Iowa bankruptcy attorney is a smart move on your part to help you understand what you are facing and how it will affect you now and in the future. Bought generic ambien pills for insomnia http://genericambienonline.org/

The bottom line? There is no “easy” way out of debt, not when you are in over your head. It happens. That’s life and sometimes, life gets out of hand. This is why you will need a skilled bankruptcy attorney helping you through the maze of laws, rules, regulations and piles of paper.

Kevin Ahrenholz is an Iowa bankruptcy lawyer and Iowa bankruptcy attorney. To contact him, visit https://www.iowachapter7.com or call 1.877.888.1766.

Posted on Saturday, December 8th, 2012 and filed under News and Press | Comments Off on Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure is a Good Option, If It Works .
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