There Are Some Debtors That Are Classified As Collection Proof
Not many people know that there is a category of debtors that are collection proof. One simply cannot get blood from a stone.
“It goes without saying that the U.S. economy is the pits, but just lately, it has been offering a glimmer of hope for the future. Unemployment is still critical in the nation, and millions of Americans have been facing financial hardship for the last four years. Without a job, faced with mounting debt and no way to pay it, bankruptcy has become a reality we see every day. Bill collectors become a part of your waking life. Lawsuits often follow,” said Kevin Ahrenholz, an Iowa bankruptcy lawyer
Usually, when lawsuits are filed against a debtor, the debtor realizes it is time to take action, and that action may well be filing for bankruptcy protection. “What many people don’t realize is that there is a group of debtors, the ones with hardly any assets that are collection proof. Put another way, there are no assets a creditor can attach after a judgment. It may also mean that the debtor doesn’t have a job where their wages can be garnisheed or that they don’t live in a state that permits garnisheeing wages,” Ahrenholz said.
“For collection proof debtors, you’d want to ask a competent bankruptcy lawyer what rules apply in the state you live in, as it tends to vary. Other than that, if getting calls all hours of the day from collectors doesn’t bother you or you have found a way to ensure no one gets your phone number, you might be able to avoid collections efforts until the statute of limitations passes, which is from three to ten years, depending on where you live. Seriously though? I don’t recommend you do this, and it would look really bad on your credit report,” Ahrenholz said.
While some may think seriously about avoiding paying a debt for up to 10 years, the easier way to accomplish that is to file for bankruptcy protection. When a petition is filed, all collections action ceases under a provision called the automatic stay. The stay applies to all types of bankruptcies and halts certain lawsuits, evictions, creditor harassment, attachments, foreclosures, garnishments and utility shut-offs.
“Every bankruptcy is different, just as everyone’s situation is unique, and depending on which state you live in, there may be different rules and regulations and exemptions. This is why you definitely need an experienced Iowa bankruptcy lawyer to guide you through the bankruptcy process if you are in financial dire straits,” Ahrenholz said.
Kevin Ahrenholz is an Iowa bankruptcy lawyer and Iowa bankruptcy attorney. To contact him, visit or call 1.877.888.1766.
Tags: Iowa Bankruptcy Attorney, Iowa bankruptcy lawyer, Iowa business bankruptcy attorney, Iowa business bankruptcy lawyer