Bankruptcy Discharge Papers are a Welcome Relief | Iowa Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy Discharge Papers are a Welcome Relief

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Bankruptcy papers are welcomed by debtors who have been through the process of filing bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy discharge papers may not look that important, but they are official, and tell the debtor they have finished the process of discharging their debts. For a debtor that has gone through many months of filing papers, creating repayment plans, discussing their situation with a skilled Iowa bankruptcy lawyer, attending credit counseling and coping with the stress, seeing these papers in the mail is a welcome relief. The papers signal the beginning of a new financial chapter for the debtor.

Many debtors wonder why the discharge papers are so important. They are important because they legally release the debtor from paying most of their debts. There are some debts that are not discharged in a bankruptcy, and this is a discussion to have with an Iowa bankruptcy lawyer at the beginning of the process prior to filing.

The discharge papers also ban creditors from attempting to collect on any of the successfully discharged debts. There have been cases where a creditor has attempted to do that, without success, as they are in violation of the law. With these discharge papers, the debtor can be reassured they will no longer get phone calls, letters or have to worry about garnishment. Once the bankruptcy discharge papers arrive, the debt is history. A debtor can expect, though that the record of the bankruptcy will appear on their credit report for a number of years.

Many people are not certain how long it takes after a person files a Chapter 7 bankruptcy before they get their discharge papers. In most instances, the length of time is roughly four months. There may be circumstances that delay the papers being sent, which is an issue that also needs to be discussed with an experienced Iowa bankruptcy attorney. It is better to have as much information as possible about the process of filing bankruptcy, rather than find out about a delay later.

On discharge, it is a good idea to make copies of the official notice. These may be required if you are attempting to correct any mistakes/omissions on your credit report. It also serves as proof to creditors that your debt has been discharged and that they must cease trying to collect on it. If you lose your original copy, you may obtain one from the court. Often the lawyer hired to file your bankruptcy may retain a copy on his files too.

Kevin Ahrenholz is an Iowa bankruptcy lawyer and Iowa bankruptcy attorney. To contact him, visit https://www.iowachapter7.com or call 1.877.888.1766.

Posted on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012 and filed under Bankruptcy.
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